2 years ago 19:05

Alexa Brook & Hannah Claydon – Those Beautiful Girl Snoops Spied On Their Neighbour & Are Now Helpless Wriggling Captives With Jolly Cold Feet! (Borderland Bound)

Brrrrrrr, it’s cold for the poor girls locked away, thoroughly bound up in this dank back room. Their feet. Their DEAR feet. Like ice! Vulnerable, twitching, exposed. Their socks and shoes have been wrenched off and the socks used most invasively against them. And here’s how it happened:

Stunning, busty Alexa (taking it ultra-hard here, just like all the newer girls must) scooped like soft vanilla ice cream (sorry) into a sexy, tit-honing sweater and tighter-than-tight blue jeans, joins the beautiful Hannah Claydon (similarly attired) as a pair of plucky college babes. The delectable duo are researching a botany project and have decided to scope out the strange things growing in their neighbour’s greenhouse! As one does, we presume… Having investigated while he was out the day before, they find a stash of unwholesome papers suggesting the guy is selling things other than overgrown marrows! They suggest that he is shipping out young ladies he has captured to a pal in Canada! Intrigued (but for some reason not calling the cops or questioning why he would leave such blatant docs in his effing GREENHouse) the girls elect the next day to break into the house to try to uncover more.

Ah, but the above move was far from prudent, babes. Cagney and Lacy, you ain’t and soon enough both have been captured. Turns out the neighbour, Mr Sycamore, has actually been watching these two for some days. They’ll do just fine for his next consignment to his pal in the Land of the RedWoods. This pal will pay top dollar (or pounds sterling, even) for such busty, scrumptious young things. Mr Sycamore will make a small fortune if he can get these two all good and restrained until nightfall and then take them out to his private jet. Sound far-fetched? Oh, goody gumdrops! Anyway, the chicks are getting tied up now, so let’s get into that!

Shoved against a wall, Alexa has her wrists decisively taped up with strong silver behind her back. Then Hannah is bound and swiftly silenced – with socks! Both of these. Plucked from her warm feet, she must endure the indignity of being gagged with them, while Alexa looks on in revulsion. How can this freak be thinking he can be doing this, STEP-SON? With Hannah’s pretty face fiendishly wrapped by the huge tape (tighter than a drum), Alexa too is set upon, finding time to backchat the demonic neighbour before she too takes a double sock muffler to the puss and is equally hugely wrapped up second-skin style herself!

Their bodies duly packaged with all of the usual rainbow-coloured gusto, the girls are left bound and gagged and wondering how on earth they are going to get out of this one. Knowing now what the man is capable of (the more they’re gagged up brainpans ponder it the more they believe the guy planted that stuff out there deliberately to lure the inquisitive girls in) they mmmmppphhhh and ggggmmmppphhh eyeing one another with supreme concern. Oh, and their feet….. mmmmmm. On prominent display throughout… and those feet are PERFECT. You’ll have a lot of fun ogling them as the sexy hotties twist around all over the room, driving our asses crazy.

After struggling with some passion against a wall, the restrained captives are soon squirming around this way and that. We ain’t quite sure what they hope to achieve with all of that, but man oh man is it ever hot stuff. The MOVES on these heavily bound chicks… We’ll leave it right there actually. You’ve got the plot, the gals, the PICS. You know how his goes and these two tremendous beauties are intent on giving you the ultimate New Year’s Ride! So while unable to escape and gag talking in acute, the wiggling belly-downed stunners continue to strain at their bonds. They really aren’t keen on catching that flight later. Ah well, shiz happens, eh? Happy 2017. That’s what these gagged-up sirens are trying to say. Scout’s…