4 years ago 11:37

Anna and Ariel Anderssen – No Honour Amongst (Diamond) Thieves

Rival jewel thieves Ariel and Anna both arrive at the same location, on the same day, to retrieve the same famous diamond (having both received the same anonymous tip-off). Ariel gets there first, but in reality, this only means that she gets surprised, tied up and gagged first. It’s a trap, and both Ariel and Anna have fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker! But perhaps Anna will understand when she arrives and sees Ariel already tied up? Perhaps she’ll getaway? Perhaps she’ll get Ariel out and they’ll escape together? Or perhaps they’ll both end up tied, gagged, furious but unable to compromise and work together in order to improve their situation? There’s no ‘I’ in the team, but there are two in ‘diamond thief’. Which is where the problem lies.