4 years ago 16:44

Jenny & Olivia in: Captured by the Quite Nefarious Indeed, Baron Munchkin! Yikes! Part 3

This Baron Munchkin rotter, he just WILL not let his rather busty and rather delicious captives go! Gagged and bound hard and sure all day this pair of ultra gorgeous nude babes have been, and it’s their own fault for snooping around, getting their hot little behinds in way over their heads in his evil business. We reconvene with the hearty mouth stuffed and bandage wrap gagged beauties bouncing around on their big tits and gag-squealing indignantly as Munchkin prepares them for his evening meal. Not literally, at least so we think. And, when the hour cometh, he binds both protesting detectives with strong white rope and fiendishly gags them with mega tight tape wraparounds. These two seriously cannot utter a word, a bit like how they’ve been all day really! Left gagged and bound on the floor, the pair urgently communicate to one another as they squirm around, their luscious bare bods and sexy feet all wriggly and hot. Then they comically and with eyes rolling’ hatch a daring plot to hop on out of there! Well, good luck with that, chickadees, however, they make one hell of a valiant attempt in one of our adventurous hop fests which you WILL love. All over the living quarters, they bound and leap, finally heading out into the kitchen where they angrily gag fume, unable to do much more than teeter on their stringently tethered, aching thighs. Just as well then that the Baron returns to sweep them both off their feet, literally. Hauling the wildly bucking hostages back to whence they hopped, he wastes no time in onscreen hog trussing the feisty little wrigglers, quite like prize sows if ever there was, um, two… and then leaves them to thrash about with unrelenting emery and passion as he readies them for his highly shady attic room. Looks like these two are in pretty deep… oh dear. But well effing done, you amazing babes, because your day’s captivity is among one of the sexiest bondage bonanzas we’ve yet produced, and as you can imagine, this is up against some pretty stiff competition. Applause for the Baron then, please. He’s given us ALL something to think about with Jenny and Olivia. Mmmmmmmmmm!