3 years ago 26:51

Lady Natt – All I Asked For Was A Foot Massage & You Tie Me Up Like This – What Kind of Man Did I – Mmmppphhh!

The truly stunning Lady Natt is reclining at home on her posh sofa with her workaholic husband, Monty. Dear Monty is immersed within his tablet at present and paying very little heed to his ultra-cute wifey. She is clad in very tight jeans, a vest top, and sweet little socks. He is clad in… actually, who gives a gooseberry what HE is clad in. The arsehead. Anyway, the lithesome beauty is all bored and stuff and desperately requires a foot massage to relive at least a modicum of the tedium. So she begins harassing Monty for one. Now then, brass-tacks, most normal guys would be well up for pleasuring their hottie, right? But not Our Monty. THIS fuckstick is more interested in his spreadsheets and Natt is not impressed with his brush-off. Ah, hang on a minute. Maybe he can tie her up first. Wink wink. Shell go for that.

Little does the kinky young lady know that as soon as he has bound her up with torn bedsheets (she likes that) he intends to gag her up with BOTH of her socks! Hang about, that wasn’t part of the agreement. Yet in they go. Natt chugs deep on both socks and must endure some tight tan bandage wrap bound again and again around her nut to seal them in well. Mmmmmrrrrmmmppphhh! She is outraged and cannot say a word. Excellent.

Left to struggle, with much barefoot focus, on the couch, our delicious beauty is more than a little helpless. Yet after much struggling, she somehow manages to make it down to the floor and finds her phone nearby. After some hot toe-probing, we ask you to unquestioningly accept that she somehow calls her hubby in the other room and that he in turn responds to said call. Okay? Just go with it, it’s fun. So now he is back but rather than untying and ungagging her just yet, he elects to bundle her back onto the couch and give her exposed, twitching feet a damned good tickling. Natt cannot take it and you will love seeing that. After even more struggling, eventually, it turns out a mildly psychotic hubster shows his mug again and finally ungagging his hot, hot lady (watch her spit out both their socks, oooh) he hoists her, wiggling and enraged, over his shoulder and carries her off upstairs for more!

Unbelievably (to her at least) the feisty lady is trussed up into a very tight ball tie with more of those cheeky torn bedsheets and powerfully gagged with a thick knotted cleave. That will quiet down her rage. More genuine attempts to speak and serious struggles abound and this restrictive tie and well effective gagging will set your asses alight. But there is more. After some steamy squirming, Natt tumbles over onto her side and gives us all the foot show of age. As if this were not sexy enough, she is soon glaring at herself in a mirror. Something very hot about a girl looking at herself all bound and gagged, and Lady Natt goes a step further. She RAGES at herself bound and gagged. Simply incredible.

Just when she thinks nothing more can possibly go wrong here, up pops that hubster again to let her know he is off down the local watering can with his meathead chums. And, just to ensure that his daring wife doesn’t get the notion to try phoning him again, he blindfolds her with more bedsheets and leaves the livid bound and gagged beauty struggling away like crazy in front of her mirror again! Still, at least she doesn’t have to face her anger head-on, right dudes? Stone cold classic in the making this. Check it out for a delicious, thrilling bit of entertainment. Something a little different, but what makes it special is that you could so easily believe it is you putting the delectable Natt through all of this. And we know how much that would appeal. Oh yes.