Brenda – A Well Dressed, Well Gagged, Nylon Hooded & Hogtaped Brenda!
I can’t remember when I met Brenda Bound. I suppose I could consult my clip store but back then she and her spouse we eager for her to be a famous bondage model and they wanted to work with all of the sites, the little guys like me and the big guys in fetish porn. Well, now they have their own successful site!! Anyway, she flies up to Detroit from Florida and stops in to shoot with me on the way to see family. I haven’t tied her up in years. So Brenda is just being Brenda, just perhaps a bit more done up than she appears on her own site and me being me. I have her taped at the wrist and knees. I add clothespins to her nipples to hear her squeal before gagging her. One of them pops off. I stuff her mouth with a hanky, wrap her head with vetwrap, and then she decides to pull off her other clamp. I return and tape up her face, tape her wrists to her body so she can’t get back to her nipples and I put the clothespins back on her. She slinks to the floor when I leave which is just fine because I plan to hogtape her. I return, put the tops of a pair of pantyhose over her head and hogtape her around the mouth. The pantyhose over the head was her idea before we started and something that most of my models hate and ask me NOT to do. Then I make her a little skull cap out of tape and then I pull that tape around her feet along with the tape wrapped around her mouth. I teasingly tell her that Les (her man and rigger on her site) will be here any minute to cane her and make her black and blue- a lie of course, but a reminder that this hogtaping is nowhere near as bad as what could be happening to her. She wriggles around with ease, muffled laughter can be heard through all those layers of gags. She tries to break the tape pulling her on it and seems to be enjoying herself….which actually makes me happy. It is easy to lose the love for something when a hobby becomes a career that is labor-intensive on the body but it is a great reminder that it can still be really fun too.