9 months ago 24:51

Daisy & Charlie – Transmission (& Hot Ladies) Interrupted in: Dance Detectives’ Infiltration Route to Danger! (Borderlands Bound)

Ridiculously gorgeous Miss Dolly & Miss Monaco are about to land their spandex-clad selves in hot water! Looking pretty awesome indeed in leotards, dark tights and high heels, they are, of course, undercover and read to roll. And roll… They shall… with the comely young meddlers good and hogtied, their insolent mouths gagged tightly, they will be unable to warn of what they have witnessed here today…

Indeed, nobody must find them, which is why they have been concealed back here, while the camera is whirring away. But they sure seem to want to be found! Grinding deliciously, working their tight cleave gags and eyeing the room, they are aware of just how bizarre and dangerous their situation is!

In this all-action adventure of tight cleave gagging and tying up, we have a plucky pair of would-be-sleuths who have been paying a little too much attention to what appears to be a film set located in an old house on the edge of town (and where better to locate such a house… eh?). And the clown-like occupant, a Mr Withers (quite the showman, he) is most interested in indisposing young ladies who snoop!

Posing as dance troupe members (for this place is being billed as a studio for aspiring showgirls), our snoops are soon captives, with impossibly hot blonde, Daisy (never failing to bend over a lot), being nabbed first… Made to surrender her walkie-talkie, the babe is marched off, hands on head and is soon bound and gagged in front of the cameras. Seems this guy is making movies – and at the behest of the highest bidder! Yep, it’s one of THOSE ones, where the nutters at home direct the show…

Ut-oh, Ladies, you’ve stumbled onto some dark stuff here. Soon, after the young madam has gag talked us into ecstasy, we get a slow reveal of Charlie, herself captured, tied and gagged. Hot huh? Now, to what goes on as the cameras roll…

Being filmed in a back room and summarily trussed and gagged with bandanas pulled between their teeth, the detectives’ mouths are gagged with tightly cinched black patterned bandanas, roughly restrained with a lot of rope while they squirm and strain.

With that, their captor is gone… leaving the helpless girls to struggle and thrash on the hair and floor, respectively. And you can be sure – VERY sure – that they do! Writhing against one another, the girls moan sexily around their super tight gags, grinding away, completely controlled. Their beautiful heeled feet look so good at the end of those dark pantyhose. Yes, it’s hot. And they aren’t going anywhere, so we can take our time watching them!

Fiercely determined Charlie, within reach of her blue walkie talkie, cannot break these ropes. But she does oh so try… Later, and the babes need further… restraining. Bundling both of them, kicking and twisting in his arms, Withers secures the tied and gagged ladies in expert hogties. That’ll keep them! Their warm shoes removed, totally captive, the wide-eyed detainees get just one more visit from this maniac, tugging on their crotch ropes, presumably to show them a lesson in manners! Now, they shall remain as trussed captives on his film set, squirming and grinding with tight gags in their mouths, for the abject pleasure of their audience. Oh, Girlies, you are in a pickle, are you not? Mwuhahahahaha!e you not? Mwuhahahahaha!