2 years ago 28:31

Elise Graves – Epic Shibari Suspension – Part 1 (Bondage Liberation)

Although I have been getting semi-regularly tied up in my private life lately (not enough though!), it has been MUCH too long since I have had the opportunity to experience a prolonged, intense rope scene. (And honestly, I have never experienced a sequence this long and this intense before!) In the depths of my kinky heart you will find a pure love for rope. It was at the core of my introduction to bondage and will forever be my most favorite way to be bound, restricted, and suffer. With one rope kit – and a very skilled rope top – the possibilities are endless for play! I crave intense rope experiences and hope to have many more in my future. The challenge with rope, though, is that it is potentially dangerous. This is why my desire for intense rope is much greater than my experience with intense rope – you have to have a very skillful rigger. Enter: Ten Against. You will notice that Ten has complete control of not only me in this scene, but also of the rope. Ten is calm, collected, and focused (and sexy!) all the while monitoring my body, watching my body language, and listening to my words and sounds. It takes a special person to be able to put all of these pieces of a complex puzzle together, and Ten does so in a way that allows me to let go, and relax – even when I am experiencing incredibly intense physical sensations. The dichotomy of his warm demeanor juxtaposed to his cool laser focus makes my heart sing! In part one of this two part video, you will see him starting from square one and taking me up into the air. He transitions my body several times, ending part one with me in an inverted double futo (bent leg tie) suspension. Although this in and of itself was a wild ride, it only gets wilder from here on out in part two. Stay tuned!