3 months ago 17:16

Enchantress Sahrye – Power Girl Vs The Trfficers – Part 1 (Enchanted-Fantasies)

Enchantress Sahrye Bare Legs Leg Fetish Struggle SuperHeroine Hench Men Super Villan Fetis Tiny Black Bikini 

Superheroine Bio- PowerGirl is a modern-day crime-fighter with a strong-willed and feisty personality… In addition to her being a trained fighter and having extraordinary strength, she also possesses another unique ability that enables her to withstand the effects of CGas for an extended length of time… She isn’t completely immune to because her powers can still be weakened, but only after prolonged exposure can she eventually be defeated…

Part 1a – The video begins with the beautiful Ms. Sahrye, a reporter for The Daily News, working alone at her desk when she receives a mysterious phone call… The caller doesn’t reveal his name but says he has information about where she can find the local college girls who have recently been Taken… He provides her with an anonymous tip to the secret hideout of a slavery ring and then abruptly hangs up the phone… Sahrye tries to ask for more details (“Where did you say you are calling from? How do I know what you are telling me is true?? And how do you have this information in the first place???”), but all she hears on the other end is the sound of a dial tone… She announces that this sounds like a mission for her alter identity Power Girl and quickly springs into action…

Part 1b – The video resumes with Sahrye (now dressed as Power Girl) arriving at the slaver’s hideout and entering through an unlocked door… Despite her suspicions about this being too easy (she comments to herself out loud “Hmmm that’s strange, I wasn’t expecting the door to be unlocked… Something doesn’t feel right about this”) Power Girl ignores her instincts and proceeds inside… She cautiously snoops around for any sign of the missing girls and soon finds a creepy scientist working with rope and other bondage paraphernalia… He appears to be alone, so she confronts the suspect to question him…

Dr. X turns to face the heroine, smiling with excitement as he stares up and down her body… He tries to deny being involved in the slavery operation, but his real motive is to keep her distracted while Butch sneaks up on her from the other side of the room…

Power Girl appears confused by his responses but continues the interrogation (standing proudly with her hands on her hips and demanding that he release the missing girls)… With her attention focused on Dr. X, she doesn’t notice there’s a larger villain approaching, or that he is soaking a cloth with CGas…

Butch waits for the right moment and suddenly grabs the unsuspecting heroine from behind… Before she has a chance to react, he covers her face with the cloth and wraps his other arm firmly around her chest to pin her arms down at her sides… He initially takes control by pulling her off balance and then holds on tight with her back against his body…

PowerGirl’s eyes light up in shock because she is caught completely off guard by the surprise attack… “MMPPPHHHH!!!” She gives off a loud muffled scream which causes her to inhale a deep breath… Being a skilled and feisty crime fighter, she immediately starts to struggle with all her strength and her body is gyrating all over the place… However, much to her dismay, the heroine can’t break free from his grasp because Butch has better leverage from his position and he was ready for a fight (knowing she wouldn’t be easy to handle)…

At first PowerGirl isn’t really worried about being knocked out (she also secretly enjoys grinding her ass in his crotch) but her attitude changes when Dr. X rushes over to help restrain her from the front (the scientist doesn’t waste any time and grabs both of her arms to hold them down, so she can’t remove the cloth)…

While this is going on, Dr. X brags about his plans for Taking her… He reveals that he was the one who called Sahrye the news reporter because he knew PowerGirl would fall for his trap… He also tells her that nobody is coming to save her and there is no way for her to get help since they are in an unknown remote location… He jokingly asks what she thinks about his new CGas (knowing she can’t respond in her current situation) and says it was designed just for her…

The scientist comments to Butch that everything is working perfectly, and they are going to get a lot of money from selling her as a sex slave… He promises him that they will have fun keeping her bound and gagged for their own pleasure but first they must knock her out and make her helpless…

Butch responds by saying he’s going to love playing with her superheroine body…

At this point Power Girl hasn’t really been affected by the but she squirms more seriously after hearing their intentions… Realizing that this was all just an elaborate plot to Take her, she protests strongly with a lot of grunting and gag talking from under the cloth “MMM… MBBLLMM… MPPHH!!!”… The heroine gets aggravated as more time passes but she won’t be sold into slavery without a fight… Feeling a greater sense of urgency, she manages to kick Dr. X in the crotch which knocks him to the ground…

Unfortunately, her kicks have little impact on Butch who is still smothering her from behind (he also recognizes what a lively superheroine they are trying to capture)… The thug continues holding on tight and when he feels her legs aren’t firmly planted, he wisely uses his size to take further control by leaning back to lift her off the ground… He makes sure to keep the cloth over her face while wrapping his other arm around her waist, so he can hold her over his chest…

This is followed by Power Girl screaming uncontrollably with her legs kicking and flailing through the air… By now the attack has been going on for several minutes and she is growing more and more frantic for oxygen with each passing second (remember her powers can only resist temporarily)… Desperate to get free, the heroine tries grabbing and clawing at his hands to pull the cloth away… When that doesn’t work, she tries reaching back to scratch his face or pull his hair… She is constantly jerking and twisting her body in his arms, but nothing seems to work… Running out of time and options, she stomps her heel down on his foot which finally releases his grip and he drops her to the floor…

Power Girl instantly gasps for air as she stumbles toward the exit… She fights to overcome the dizziness but doesn’t have a chance to recover because Dr. X is already chasing her down… “HELMMPPHHH!!”… She tries to scream for help before getting cut off in the middle…

Armed with a larger cloth that is soaked with a fresh dose of CGas, Dr. X catches her right as she is about to reach the door… He clamps the towel down and pulls her back in his clutches using his other hand to pin her upper arms behind her back…

Power Girl once again resumes her efforts to escape (surprisingly with a lot of strength), only this time she tries to resist by holding her breath… It doesn’t take long before she is to suck down more of the fumes and she starts to cough after inhaling such a strong dose (choking and gasping for air)…

From here Dr. X drags her back into the hideout while she kicks and fights him every step of the way… The scientist effectively restrains her with an arm lock, but she continues to be very defiant, so he yells for Butch to come over and grab her legs…

PowerGirl can barely see from under the towel, but she thrashes in futility and repeatedly tries to kick anything that comes into her range…

Butch carefully dodges these attempts and counters by catching both of her legs and lifting the heroine completely off her feet… He wraps his arms around her thighs (just below the hips) and then pins her legs tightly together so they can’t cause any more trouble…

At this moment PowerGirl really panics (screaming in absolute desperation) because now she is fully restrained at both ends of her body… Even with her super strength and training, she is being held helplessly in the air at the mercy of these two villains and she can hardly move at all… Worst of all, she is still being smothered by the towel and soon her powers will be gone… Refusing to be defeated, her entire body is gyrating like a snake as she tries to wiggle and squirm out of their arms (fighting as hard as she can to break free with her body twisting and bucking to no avail)… She tries whipping her head back and forth, gasping and moaning in despair, but Dr. X has her arms pinned and the towel over her face… She tries kicking her feet and coiling her legs to pry them open but Butch has her lower body secured… Both of them are holding on tight and they make sure to keep her arms and legs under control…

Despite her struggling efforts, the slavers are determined to put her to rest… The continues for a while until they notice the is slowing her down… Feeling her succumbing to the fumes, they lower her down to the floor as the CGas finishes her off… They still have her pinned down, but this gives Dr. X an opportunity to readjust the towel over her face and wrap his other arm around her chest, so he can grab her breasts (Butch heavily fondle her throughout)…

By this point the heroine is exhausted from the fight and her strength is badly weakened… She hasn’t stopped protesting and her body is writhing around, but eventually her movements get slower, her eyes begin to flutter, and her moaning become less lively… Finally, with one last surge, her eyes roll back into her head as she collapses in defeat…

Part 2 – This is a continuation of the CGas scene beginning with both villains groping Power Girl as she recovers from the knockout… They haven’t bothered to tie her up which means the heroine is able to fight back as soon she wakes up… After pushing and kicking them off, she tries to make a break for the exit but doesn’t get far before Butch tackles her from behind (he wraps both arms around her legs and brings her down)…  Dr. X joins in and the three of them end up wrestling on the floor with the slavers continually pinning her down and Power Girl scrambling to get away…