10 months ago 17:51

JJ Plush – Farewell to the Bank… (Born to be Bound)

I had been packing up the building for days in these pants, winter 2021. I owned the place for over 10 years and the next am I was going to be handing the keys over to the new owner. I took off my sweatshirt to make this video but that is about it. No hair extensions or shiny blouses, just an emotionally and physically wiped out human being giving a little goodbye tour of the place. I wanted that memory. I wasn’t sure if I would share it or not at the time…

I stuff my mouth with rope (not many supplies left) and wrap my head with vetwrap. I put my elbows behind my back and then POOF I’m all tied up and start the tour before being hogtied simply. At the end I ungag myself and wave goodbye.