5 years ago 24:18

Lacey & Chloe in: Caught These Two Cuties Nosing Around in the Orchard

Damned severe gagging is what is in order for these two full of it, know it all young madams! They’ve been snooping around up at Jack o’ Lantern’s Orchard, on the trail of rhino horn smugglers. Intelligence has it (there is a little here) that the crooks are using a disused (get it?) house near the old appley-arena as a base from which to ship their stuff. Nobody is to interfere, which is exactly what intrepid sleuths Lacey and Chloe intend to do now!

Getting captured has proven par for the course and our two beautiful young detectives are roundly herded inside and up to a second-floor room. Here the mouthy bitches are forced to strip naked (come on, brats, give us your best pouts) and are then trussed up with silver tape. Strips of same are slapped over their mouths (they think they are regular comedians these two, and appear unconcerned of their peril). That all changes once they are gagged up. Now they know it is the real deal. Both mmmmpppphhhh hotly into their sticky tape gags while they are fondled and left to squirm!

The guy who has them decides that next, they must endure some more extreme silencers. No telling who else might be sniffing around down there and the pair of detained girls should not be heard. With that, he plugs their incessant yappers with thick socks and methodically binds (skin-tight style) their widely stuffed mouths and heads with many turns of strong white tape. The girl’s fair goggle at the tightness and over the top nature of these colossal gags. Chloe, being all bound up, legs crossed in a chair, and Lacey writhing on a red leather sofa, bound hand, and foot, can do nothing about it!

Having availed himself of the indignant young ladies’ beautiful naked bodies, he locks them away for safekeeping. And you can just bet the struggling, squirming, and downright urgency streams through from the two tightly restrained and going nowhere captives. After trying to speak to one another through their heavy gags, the girls grow more anxious when they hear a measured tread on the stairs. It’s him again, with more tape!

Thrashing and ggggmmmppphhhhing into her mega-gag, blonde, bronzed, busty Lacey iis tethered into a most restrictive hogtie indeed, and all while she grinds s her hot, big arse this way and that, most passionately.  She thumps up and down on that sofa, her big juicy tits mashed into the leather beneath her, angered and desperate. Chloe can do zero to assist, all wrapped up in her chair as she is. Though she does pull off the whole outraged routine quite neatly!

With that, the stripped, nude, helpless girls are shut away again while the crooks discuss their fates. The girls can but struggle some more, trying as best they are able to get some of that tape off – with no discernible results. That is just as well for us, for we want them going NOWHERE! All of this is way too hot to want to turn the temperature down on. These two ultra-cute little blondes are straining about for all they are worth, gagged particularly ruthlessly and unable to even vent their rage without sounding ridiculous. Oh, the humiliation of it all! And knowing their luck, these smugglers, always looking for an angle, will sell them onto some shadowy lady-bidder! Shame huh?

Before they do that though, let us enjoy these amazing young babes, really going for it, genuinely testing those big gags and genuinely stuck fast by all of that tape holding them at bay. If you are a fan of desperate, gagging gaggees (and they don’t get much cuter than this comely damsel duo) then crack straight in. The girls are all tied up and ready to entertain at the deepest, secret levels.