3 years ago 25:20

Lauren Phillips – Cia Blacklist Opp (Brendas Bound)

Part 1 (Our list of ‘demands’. Sorry!)

1.1.   We wanted a Hollywood/24/dark serious feel rather than ‘light’ James Bond. Ultra-highdef, 60frames per second if you can manage that with the lower-light levels. Otherwise use a bit more light rather than lower the quality (Sorry, not trying to tell you your job, I just love the way 60fps looks). Want the light to reflect off her giant sweaty boobs and body.

1.2.   We wanted this film to start by creating fear. I want to feel the shivers when I see the devices (even though they’re not being used). I want to feel the helplessness of the victim strapped in the chair. I want the butterflies in my stomach when I see the fear in her eyes and the gag in her mouth. That is all more important than a bit of sexy-woman-in-restraints-fun which I can buy just about anywhere these days. I’m after the ‘experience’ that I hope you can make.

1.3.   No creepy music please! Obviously, you can do what you want to the one you sell on your excellent website, but we’d like the version that you give us to have no music. Want it as ‘real’ as possible.

1.4.   I know I said it last time, but the victim’s noises are important to us. She’s a tough soldier, so no whimpering. Just the screams!

1.5.   I’ve attached some pictures for the type of thing we wanted, (ignore her handcuffs, we want leather for this, and a leather belt around her neck. If her legs keep closing, then by all means get a belt around her thighs and make it dig into her flesh).

1.6.   No sound effects on the electro  (the buzzing/clicking of the taser is fine. But no fake sounds for the jump lead-sponges). Most shocks on her boobs and vagina of course!

1.7.   Victim wearing tags the whole time. Maybe a discarded army uniform and boots on the floor, but not too important. Hair pulled back into a tight ponytail at the start, it’s going to get disheveled and greasy later.

1.8.   She must be covered in sweat the whole time. We want to see it rolling off her body. Like a south-American -basement at 130 degrees, so hot she can barely breathe. And that’s before the integration even begins. In the past I’ve done things like covering bodies in oil or Vaseline or some other kind of water-repellent. And then splashing/ spraying water makes it look like covered in sweat. But gallons of good old lube regularly applied might be just fine. Leave it in your capable hands. Just watched a film of your husband oiling your tied boobs. Wow they looked good reflecting lights.

1.9.   Very important: The actress must make certain noises (We DON’T want high pitched squealing, she is going to be a tough soldier, so more guttural tough-girl sounds and screams. We just find that the ‘wrong’ sounds breaks the fantasy)

1.10.                    This is the VERY important part for us. The is supposed to hurt! Too many of your competitors treat an electro-shock like a stubbed toe. We want her to flex out of the chair and scream from the bottom of her lungs, rather than say “Ow!”. We want to see her body strain with each shock. She’s biting down on the gag and screaming through the gag. Really needs to let it out of her lungs.

1.11.                    Very important: The actress mustn’t shimmy or make little movements to escape her bondage. She’s a tough woman, so she’s straining at her bonds. Biceps flexing, muscles standing out, neck straining. That kind of thing. We want to see her muscles strain against the leather! If you need to add straps over her thighs and biceps, that is fine.



2.      Part 2: The Setup

2.1.   Lauren’s a tough soldier (wearing tags the whole time). She’s strapped to a chair, legs spread, arms behind the back of the chair. Tight leather strap around her throat, a wide belt. We wanted leather straps/belts rather than bondage cuffs. If you have worn tough brown leather, that would be good, but as long as they are leather straps it’s good. She’s covered in sweat or droplets of oil the whole time. Shaved or trimmed vagina, no big bush.

2.2.   She has a stained pillowcase over her head. It’s been used on a hundred victims before, it’s foul. She’s wearing a white bra and high-hip thong or g-string like the pictures. The bra has to really push her big boobs up. Bra and panties are a bit stained/dirty where she’s been captured and stripped.

2.3.   Big electro device with jump leads on the floor with a bucket of water for the sponges. A few big water bottles next to the bucket for later. On the table is a big thing of salt (hopefully camera picks up the SALT label). Nasty items on the table. They won’t be used, we wanted electro-only. A metal baseball bat, a taser, a claw hammer and some horrible big nails, pliers, blades, anything sick and nasty you can think of. Anything with spikes or metal that she might think is going inside her. Maybe a couple of power tools, a drill. I want to see the items and feel the fear.

2.4.   Move the camera over the electro devices, and slowly over the tools, while we hear her breathing through the bag on her head. I want to create an atmosphere of fear so the butterflies start in my stomach and my vagina contracts when I watch it. Camera closeups on her sweaty/oiled body. Watching her big breasts rise and fall with her strained breathing. Closeups on her vagina and her neck with the tight strap around it, and the straps across her ankles.

3.      Part 3: The Start

3.1.   She hears footsteps and her body jerks and stiffens at the sound, trying to be brave, she knows it’s about to begin. Brenda as Agent Walker walks in (dressed in impractical leather or latex or faux, catsuit kind of clothing. Not too important, just sexy and dangerous). She needs to be subtle smiling, she likes this part of her job.

3.2.   She pulls the pillowcase tight from behind victim’s head, so we see the shape of the victim’s face/nose/chin through the fabric. A smile of sexual pleasure from Brenda. She loves her job. Victim moans a bit and tries to struggle by flexing rather than just shaking. Brenda just smiles, she’s seen it all before.

3.3.   Brenda pulls the bag off her head and we see the victim’s face for the first time, covered in sweat, as sweaty as the rest of her body.

3.4.   Very important: Cleave gagged with huge cloth. Lots of it. Old dirty towel or T-shirt, used to be white, now dirty. Probably been in dozens of victim’s mouths, God knows what’s on it. It has to really be her jaw open wide and tall, and it has to be tied in there really tight. The gag is a serious all by itself, and it’s been in her mouth for hours already.

3.5.   Brenda bends down to whisper in her ear “I’m going to hurt you now.” She changes to the other ear. “Let me know when you’re ready to talk about The Blacklist.”

3.6.   Victim sees the -tools on the table and she freezes in fear. Her eyes are wide as she imagines what’s going to happen to her.  The table needs to be almost out of her restricted eye line. We wanted her sort of looking forward, held in place with the neck restraints, straining her eyes to one side to see the -tools. Need close-ups on her eyes for the fear as they are straining to look to one sideCutting to her point of view, staring at the horrible items on the table, and then back to her terrified eyes. And the jump leads, and back to her eyes etcThis is a really important part for me as I like the fear as it makes the story for me.

3.7.   Brenda runs her hands slowly over the tools, making up her mind and teasing the victim. Stops at the hammer, picks it up almost sensually as if it’s her favorite. Gives the victim a look as if to say “Maybe later your knuckles will feel this.”  Pauses at a few other objects, touching them and wondering what she would do to the victim. Victim stiffens each time Brenda picks one. Finally she chooses a or big scissors. Victim terrified. Brenda cuts victim’s bra off. Victim moans in fear now she is more exposed. Brenda cuts the panties off too. Brenda admires the victim’s giant tits. She straddles the woman’s lap (or sits on 1 leg, I don’t know how far you can stretch!) nice close and personal. Looks her in the eye and starts squeezing her big sweaty jugs, always staring her in the eye to show her who’s in control. We want to see the massive things in your hand and feel them like you do, bulging heavy weight squeezed in your hands.

3.8.   Brenda jumps up and goes to the table.



4.      Part 4: Shocks

4.1.   Brenda runs her hands over the tools and chooses a taser, and shocks victim’s bicep. Victim stiffens and bites down on the gag, her tits bounce, loud moans but she refuses to scream. Yet.

4.2.   Brenda Shocks her straining neck, breasts, vagina, stomach, under her jaw. All one after the other, 2-seconds jabs. Each of these shocks has the victim viciously bite the gag in agony, growling from her throat, lips pulled back teeth seen biting the cloth. Screams a few times eventually. Neck straining against the strap. “Just getting us both warmed up,” Brenda says.

4.3.   Victim is breathing very hard through her nose, trying to get enough air. Brenda sits back down on victim’s leg/lap. “Look at me.” Victim averts her eyes. “LOOK AT ME YOU FUCKING CUNT!” Brenda getting angry for the first time. She reaches forward and victim’s eyes open. Fingers holding her eyes open really wide for some long close-ups of her straining eyes. Finally releases her eyelids, and camera gets some more extreme close-ups of her eyes as they move in fear.

4.4.   Brenda grabs a big breast with both hands and squeezes it “Let’s see what these things can take.”

4.5.   Brenda puts on some rubber gloves to protect herself. Does it so the victim sees. If you can get longer rubber surgical gloves, that’s awesome. Others good old surgical gloves will do, put on with a snap to mock the victim.

4.6.   Now she switches to the classic jump leads with sponges. Brenda walks to the bucket, victim desperately straining her eyes to see as she fights for breath, chest and stomach heaving with each sweaty breath. Brenda opens a water bottle, and casually starts to fill the bucket, building the tension for victim. Then a second bottle added to the bucket, victim getting more afraid. Finally Brenda opens the salt and pours it into the water. She gives the victim a little smile as she’s straining to see what Brenda is doing. “Extra salty, for extra conductivity!”

4.7.   Fresh panic and a moan of fear from the victim now. Brenda walks over and ties a narrow blindfolded, tight cloth tied over her eyes (ripped up her T-shirt perhaps). Needs to look rough, used to be white, now dirty. Victim strains some more and breathes hard through her nose, heartbeat exploding in fear and anticipation. Some very muffled moans through her huge gag with apprehension.

4.8.   Brenda starts dipping the jump lead-sponges in the water, then dripping the water off loudly, causing more fear in victim. Does it a couple of times, smiling at she plays with victim. Finally she puts one on each shoulder. These cause the big screams through the gag. Shocks her boobs and pussy, nipples, stomach, legs chest, jaw.

4.9.   This is the VERY important part for us: The is supposed to hurt! Too many of your competitors treat an electro-shock like a stubbed toe. We want her to flex out of the chair and scream from the bottom of her lungs, rather than say “Ow!”. We want to see her body strain with each shock. She’s biting down on the gag and screaming through the gag. Really needs to let it out of her lungs.

4.10.                    A couple of times, Brenda slowly drags the jump lead across the victim’s chest, shoulder to shoulder across her collarbones, taking her time. And then a bit lower above her breasts, again just taking her time casually dragging the jump lead while her victim screams. (My partner does that to me with a violet wand, we want to imagine what it’s like for ‘real’).

4.11.                    After a nice long, victim is out. Maybe fade to black, give Lauren a drink?

5.      Part 5: Butt-Bat

5.1.   Brenda slaps victim awake, and pulls the blindfold off. Hair is a ganky mess of sweat, and roughed up after the thrashing around. Sweat still dripping off her body.

5.2.   Brenda lifts the metal baseball bat from the table. Victim starts to moan, thinking she’s going to be hit.

5.3.   Brenda starts to oil up the baseball bat with her free hand. Slowly, sensually. Slowly, smiling at the victim, as if she’s lubing her husband’s cock. “Have you got a nice tight ass?”

5.4.   Victim realizes what is going to happen next and starts to panic. Shaking her head, eyes wide, trying to beg through the gag. Violently trying to shake the chair/restraints to escape.

5.5.   Brenda walks behind the chair and squats down. We only see what happens from the front and side as she slowly screws the metal bat up the victims ass from under/behind the chair. If you can get a “before” shot of Lauren’s actual butt-hole, we’d love it. But I’m guessing the actual real position would be impossible. Victim is really biting down and screaming through the gag, eyes wide in fear and pain. Cut to closeups of her red screaming face and eyes. Brenda is straining to get it up there twisting it back and forth :”Open up you stupid bitch! Let me in or I’ll do your cunt next.”

5.6.   Finally it’s right up there (Don’t know how you’ll secure it, we don’t want to see how you faked it, just want it to look like it’s held by her bum from the front/side shots).

5.7.   One jump lead is attached to the bat, then she’s shocked with the other jump lead all over again. Boobs, vagina, chest, jaw/chin/neck (we like facial ) until she is out.

6.      Part 6: Final

6.1.   Brenda Slaps victim awake. She still covered in sweat, still has the bat up her bum, and the  tags between her oily melons.

6.2.   Brenda pulls victim’s head back viciously, and ties it like that. Right back over the back of the chair, so she’s looking straight up. Perhaps tie her by her hair, or a strap around her forehead. As long as it looks real and painful. I guess you’ll need to take the neck strap off or loosen it unfortunately.

6.3.   Some closeups of her new painful position and scared eyes. Neck straining under the leather strap if possible.

6.4.   Brenda gives the end of the bat a kick. Victim moans. Harder kick, she screams.

6.5.   Brenda gets the taser out again, and shocks under her chin. Would like close ups here, so we can see her biting the gag and her face straining. Shocks under her lips, chin, and under her jaw, and all the flesh in the area up to the strap around her neck.

6.6.   “Do you want to see it close up?” She whispers and shocks her under her eyes, and then holds an eye open and shocks her eyes a few times. (Obviously we want closeup of her eye being held open.)

6.7.   Brenda stands and unties victim’s head and neck to let her breathe properly, and get her head upright so it can thrash around for the next bit.

6.8.   Brenda whispers in her ear “Cunt time!” Starts holding the taser in place on her vagina for 5-10 seconds as the whole body tries to flex out of her chair. Brenda smiles. This was what she enjoys.

6.9.   Brenda sits in her lap again, or on a single leg, up close and personal. Staring into each other’s eyes as she repeatedly shocks her tits and pussy. Brenda is listening to the screams, with an orgasmic smile and shiver running through her as she’s inches from the screaming straining face, maybe rubbing her clit on victim’s leg? Or her own hand to her own pussy, getting herself off?

6.10.                    Brenda is finally done. “Well done soldier. You passed the test. Welcome to the Blacklist task .”

6.11.                    Brenda walks off leaving victim still tied up, but bent over double now her head is free, sobbing.