Lia Actress – Taped Captive Has Questions
The captured girl is desperately trying to escape. The captor throws her on the bed and wraps her with duct tape. She’s wearing only underwear and tights. The mouth is securely taped. The girl is scared and trying to get out of bondage and the hands of the captor, who treats her roughly. She crawls on the bed, twists and tries to pull her hands out of bondage. She sometimes manages to sit up, but then she falls back on the bed. Then her mood changes. She looks at the captor very plaintively and crying, hoping that he will take pity on her and let her go. From tight bondage, her hands turned purple. Tears and snot are already making it difficult for her to breathe. The captor removes her gag. Her mouth turns out to be stuffed with panty. He takes them out. The girl asks who is her captor and what’s going on. What answer will she get about what awaits her next?