4 months ago 26:06

Olivia & Harley – The Mr Machismo Art Exhibition Deception: An Awesome Gag Talking Collector Beauty Ransom Caper! (Borderland Bound)

An incredible entrance is made by buxom stunner (what a sure-fire hottie) Olivia, who is snatched along with amazing Harley while attending what they think is a legit art exhibition but which is actually a bizarre set-up at a creepy former estate agents’ offices. The girls are presently trussed up on chairs with tight gags in their mouths. They never saw this coming, but now they are being held for ransom. They’re rich girls, you see, and thus desirable targets for two unscrupulous villains. Let’s delve!

Enjoying a mug of coffee is long-legged beauty Olivia, being shown into a room by the mysterious Mr Machismo, a masked eccentric who claims to be the proprietor of Goonies Art Factory, currently running an exhibition showcasing some of the country’s wildest talents. Only thing is, there don’t seem to be any other collectors in attendance – just, well her… The guy is a bit weird too, so Olivia feels she should drop it in that her friend Harley will be along soon. The man takes note and invites her upstairs to see a very special exhibit…

Following the girl, in her black hot pants, flouncy red halter top, and cute ankle strapped high heels, up the staircase, Machismo is sure acting strange. When he ushers her into a side room, Olivia gets suspicious. There is nothing but tat in here. Where is the piece he wanted to show her? Apparently it’s in a closet, because that, after a long, protracted handgagging session as she grinds helplessly against him, mumbling into his palm, is where he is conveying her!

Next, we note the accomplice, Mildred, discussing over the phone, that they have a girl they are holding for ransom, and that soon they’ll have two brats. We don’t know who she is speaking to, or really care, but we note the mmmmmppphhhhing sounds emanating from a closet. Nice. We know where THIS is going. Soon enough, statuesque Harley shows up, wondering where her friend is. Drawn to mumblings from behind that wooden-slatted door, she is shocked to discover Olivia all tied up and gagged! Before she can react in a meaningful way, Mildred seizes her and bundles her away. We’ll chill with Olivia for a while!

The roped up maiden squirms and twists in that closet, thrusting her sexy boobs our way a lot, grunting around her tight red leather gag, desperate but furious. How dare that clown overpower her like this, and tie her up! She vents through her gag until he arrives – Machismo, the rotter – to sling the writhing captive over his shoulder, much as a sack of grain, of course, and bundles her kicking and twisting off downstairs, where the freaks have Harley!

The girls are heavily bound and gagged in chairs while a call is put in re: their welfare. Harley’s rich step-father, Mr Otto Bosworth is outraged that these buttwipes have his step-daughter and her friend Olivia. He makes all sorts of threats, but the takers here give not a fuck. He is told he’d better produce the money, quickly, or the girls may be in a lot of hot water. Speaking of the girls… You now have an all-out against the senses as the two fiery vixens get DOWN with the chair bound, tight cleave gagged histrionics. We’ll describe it no further, because you know what is gonna happen here…

…. You are about to be treated to a serious gag talk fest, which includes some interaction with the captor, who wants them to prove their situation to Big Step-Daddy over the phone, and some seriously tight re-gaggings. A black bandana for Olivia, Harley a thick purple scarf. Man, how they do STRUGGLE. Enough said, just marvel at the debut of Olivia and enjoy her many, many, intense gagged up moves with the captive Harley. Mmmmmmmmmm… This is what bondage is all about. Pure gravy! And a great, kinky storyline to boot. What a pair of chicks to nab too if you are into that  sort of thing!