11 months ago 24:13

Rachel Adams – The Nasty Passenger Stalked Me, Tied Me Up & Stuffed My Hat in My Mouth (Born to be Bound)

Rachel is a flight attendant. She had a bitchy customer that she had to cut off from drinking. What she doesn’t know is that the woman is crazy and off her meds. She followed her to her home. Rachel has a conversation with a friend on the phone explaining her terrible passenger while she has a drink. She gets off the phone and the woman appears from behind the couch and chokes her out and begins to tie her up. She comes to in a haze and struggles to free herself from the mad woman but it is no use. She is already helpless. Her hat is stuffed into her mouth and tape wrapped tightly around her head. She is left struggling while the crazy lady takes off to explore her place. She comes back with a bottle of booze and starts to drink out of it. She feels better after a few swigs. She watches her pretty captive before groping her and spanking and her and putting her into a tight hogtie and leaving her there.