Rachel The Pony Girl 2 THE HARNESS – Part 2
Since Rachel the Pony Girl is blind, she must learn to listen. I call her and she must listen to my voice and trot towards me. I do this several times and she is soon near the cart loaded up with firewood that is needed at the campsite. I attach the cart to her harness with a heavy chain. I then walk out and call her. Now she has to follow my voice while pulling the cart. It is heavy and she struggles to get it moving. the cart does not turn so she struggles more when she has to make a turn. When she finally arrives at the campsite, I remove the chains tethering her to the cart. I nipple clamp her and tie the clamps to her gag. I tie her harness gag back as well. The clamps tighten and it improves her posture. I order her to turn in a tight circle once again. Poor Rachel whimpers and sobs as I order her to jump next. She then has to jump and turn in a circle. Between pulling the cart and the jumping exercises, I believe she has had enough physical activity for the day. I chain her to a tree for the remainder of the evening. She will be left like this for hours on end as Pony Girls are not allowed to lay down.