4 years ago 12:18

Simone – Wiping the Slate – Part 2

Despite the torment she had received at the hand of her captor, sexy spy Simone is still determined not to talk, so stronger measures are required.  Her captor, unfortunately for her, has just the tool in mind! Bound in a strappado with her electrodes attached to her breasts, Simone is quite worried.  What really is causing her concern, however, is the strange glowing band wrapped firmly around her temples.  Soon, her captor arrives to explain just what is about to happen to her: He has decided she is far too troublesome to release, and far too sexy to dispose of, so there is only one course of action left: reprogramming! In her highly secured position, she will be exposed to a special computer program and the glowing band around her temples will fire impulses directly into her neurotransmitters! The impulses will completely restructure her mind until she becomes a blank slate, existing only to serve her master! If she looks away from the program, the electrodes attached to her tits will fry her sensitive nipples! Soon, she will learn that compliance eliminates the pain! Can she withstand the mesmerizing machine? Will she become a blank slate? Check out this hot scene and find out!