Skylar West – Bolero Straitjacket (Bondage Cafe)
The gorgeous Skylar West returns – and is introduced to the muzzle gag. Back in the day, when I Cory and I would get together and shoot (were talking over 20 years ago … jeez), whenever we would use this sort of gag, Cory had a specific term for the ultimate result. The girl, whomever the girl was, would be turned into a DSO. A deviant sexual object. This may well not be a PC term in some parts of today’s society, but I am not sure that that part would approve of pretty much anything we like here, so I guess I would just say “Fuck Em’
Strangely enough, none of the girls ever had a problem with the concept. Then again, they were bondage girls, and bondage girls on a whole, as I’ve found, like to be made into objects in one form or another. And most of them loved the way this gag looked on them (I can’t think of any off the top of my head, someone that didn’t). Skylar, by the way, is no exception as it turns out. We were trying to figure out what we were going to shoot for our last set, and an idea of a straitjacket came up, and she thought the bolero one from the stockroom, would be a great choice. I went into the wardrobe and pulled out the muzzle gag, and told her that I thought this would be the perfect compliment. I think she was not completely sold at first, but she trusts my opinion and gave it a test, looking in the mirror. Approval was pretty much instantaneous. A bondage girl indeed.
So I buckled her into the straitjacket, and she told me that I needed to put the gag on her in the video. Not the easiest gag to apply smoothly on cue, but I was game. The result was really quite awesome. She started shooting, and Sky got into her bondage world… and well, it just got super sexy (as if it wasn’t before). She tested out her bondage, and then the gag went in.
I had a mirror setup, and she had to look at herself all dolled up in the straitjacket, black pantyhose and that awesome gag. I decided she had looked at herself long enough and added a blindfold. This took it to a whole other level. Skylar started rolling around on the ground and struggling. Lots of auralism (the sounds that certain things make when they are rubbed together), are present here, which Skylar for one will certainly enjoy. She is into that sort of thing. There are lots of squeaky leather, and sexy nylon rustling as she slides her legs together in this one.
I upped the ante even more by strapping her legs, and then pulling her knees up to her collar. Utterly helpless now, laying on her side, completely unable to do anything by squirm. Yep – a true DSO indeed. And I mean that in only the most complimentary way possible. YOWSA!