Stella & Lilith – At All Costs (Captured Beauties)
Lilith is relaxing in her room.
She planned a cozy evening. It’s winter and she really doesn’t want to come out. She wears sweaters leggings and socks. At a certain point her friend and roommate Stella, a crazy girl enters her room. She looks all sweet so Lilith understands in advance that she’s going to ask her in favor of her. Stella needs to go to a concert of her favorite singer but she can’t take her car and no one can give her a ride to the concert so she begs Lilith to lend her the car of her. Lilith gives her a denial. Instead of thinking about a concert she could find a job. Stella tells her that she knew she would be hard to convince but that she’ll go there at all costs, and as soon as Lilith turns on her, she hits her on the head. In the next scene we see Stella tying Lilith with tape. As soon as she recovers from the blow Lilith tells her friend that she must be crazy, but Stella takes some more tape and seal her lips with it. Then she finishes the tie up by warping the tape around the body of her roommates and then she leaves her to struggle while she goes to take her car. Lilith struggles furiously trying to escape but with little success, then she hears her phone ringing on the bedroom desk. She manages to stand up and hops to take it. She succeeds. It’s her friend Rey who’s calling her. In the meantime Stella returns and hits her gain her preventing her to answer the phone. Stella is becoming increasingly crazy because she can’t find the car’s keys. She asks Lilith to tell her where they are. Lilith has her gag removed but then tells her that she will never tell him. Stella, furious, re-gags Lilith and goes out again to look for her keys. Lilith still struggles, without hope of being able to free herself, until luckily for her, her friend Rey enters the room and frees her. Lilith explains everything that happened to her and the two girls decide to teach Stella a lesson. In the next scene Stella is still furiously looking for the keys and promises to make Lilith confess where they are, by hook or by crook. She suddenly gets attacked by Lilith and Rey and with a punch to the stomach she is easily overpowered. Lilith and Rey take some more tape and begin trussing her up exactly like Lilith before. Stella admitting defeat changes her attitude and becomes sweet and whiny. Stella says she is sorry and begs the two girls to let her go, but Lilith and Rey tell her that they will take the two concert tickets and go themselves. The police will deal with her instead. Stella begs them again but is gagged with tape wrapped around her head. She’s left, totally trussed up, struggling in the living room. They tied her painfully tight and she has no energies left to escape. She still tries but her mmphings become more and more desperate. Will she escape and find a way to go to see her beloved singer….?