4 years ago 09:17

Terra Mizu – Tight – Tighter – Crazy

Ah, the lovely Terra Mizu. She is another gal from the great state of Florida (why are there so many kinky people in Florida?). She is a seriously flexible gal, and it’s a good thing because she has a liking for ropes. Normally when I shoot with a new gal, I take it easy on her and sort of “feel them out” to see what they can do. Not sure why that didn’t happen here. Yep, she got the full “Weathers” so to speak, because we went straight to the reverse prayer. A position that not a lot of girls can deal with for very long. Poor Miss Mizu did just fine, however, which is pretty much what happened all day long – yummy bondage indeed. She starts off on her tummy, but with her arms way up behind her and her high-heeled stiletto pumps tied into her lotus leg position, she really can’t do anything. She notices that Jim has inadvertently left a pair of bondage scissors nearby, however, so with a lot of effort, she shimmies her way over to them. But just because she can see them, doesn’t mean she can use them. She can’t even figure out a way to get them in her hands. Unfortunately for Terra, Jim arrives, picks up the scissors, and pulls her way. Tickling her a little just for good measure. Then he returns and makes things much worse by tying her into a crazy tight hogtie. She struggles for a bit and then he rolls her over on her back – and just like a turtle, she is completely stuck. such a shame that she can’t call for help with that large 4 buckle panel ball gag in her mouth.